As an environmental manager, I have been involved both on a strategic and tactical level with onshore and offshore wind projects during development and construction. I have also set up a Community Engagement program for the Dutch market, which describes the strategic and tactical way in which the environment can be involved during the development, construction, and management of a wind farm. I have made a strategic and tactical communication plan for the Eneco Luchterduinen Wind Farm (43 wind turbines in the North Sea) to change the negative public opinion. The public resistance was reduced, and a group of involved residents arose by using many conversations, information evenings, social media, sponsorships, environmental funds, etc. I also have been working for the Enecogen gas-fired plant (Rotterdam harbor), the Eneco Bio Golden Raand biomass power plant (Delfzijl), and the Eneco Gasspeicher gas storage facility (Germany) from the start of construction to the opening of the plants.
Furthermore, I worked on several projects as a marketing communication advisor: green campaign for small companies, brand management, direct mail campaigns, organization events, improving work method communication and marketing department, school contest to save energy, an internal campaign to enlarge the sustainable awareness of the companies external message.