Stakeholder management
I am used to starting with the task of mapping the landscape to understand a new project, its stakeholders and priorities, the policies and politics, the partners to communicate with, and whom to contact for collaboration. A necessary start to defining a communication strategy and plan. With this plan, I can provide a clear basis to address all stakeholders properly and to make sure all communications’ tools support the main message(s). To collect information, I am used to identifying the relevant departments and colleagues required to obtain all necessary information and with whom to collaborate.
I also like the term ‘stakeholder capitalism’. The World Economic Forum stated in January 2020 in Davos: “The purpose of a company is to engage all of its stakeholders in shared and sustained value creation.” Stakeholder capitalism means that a business works in favour of all its stakeholders, rather than just profits and returns. Shareholders are essential, but it’s vital that companies also consider workers, communities, the environment, etc. This has demonstrated benefits not only to society, but also to the bottom line. This expresses the value of stakeholder management even better.